Crops and Livestock
2020 Wheat Plot Tour was different, but a success!!
The 2020 Wheat Plot was planted on October 26, 2019. The varieties used were; LCS Fusion AX (Limagrain), LCS Link (Limagrain), LCS Valiant (Limagrain), WB Grainfield (WestBred), WB 4462 (WestBred), WB 4792 (WestBred), Bob Dole (AgriPro), SY Monument (AgriPro), SY Wolverine (AgriPro), Langin (Plains Gold), Larry (Kansas Wheat Alliance), Tatanka (Kansas Wheat Alliance), Everest (Kansas Wheat Alliance), Double Stop CL Plus (Clearfield). Kyle Grant did a virtual Wheat Plot Tour encouraging local producers to check out the plot at their leisure. The virtual tour was on June 9, 2020.
Thank you to the Pawnee County Coop for their partnership and Crane Farms for their hard work and the use of their ground. We appreciate you all!!
Ag Newsletter
Don't miss out on the upcoming events and articles that are addressing today's topics.
Ag Mobile Apps
The files below contain apps that are Ag-related. Click on the links to find apps that may help your business. Each app listing contains a direct link to the individual app.
Kansas Entomology
Check out the most recent Kansas Insect Newsletter.
Lawn and Garden
The Pawnee County, K-State Research and Extension office is your front door to the resources of Kansas State University. Through our office you can obtain information on trees, turf, shrubs, insects, gardens, and other related topics. We also provide services such as insect identification, plant identification, and soil tests with fertilizer recommendations.
Master Gardener Program
Pawnee County is part of the Master Gardener program. The Master Gardener program is a volunteer program in which K-State Research and Extension "trades" classroom training for volunteer time. After training is completed, volunteers donate an equivalent number of hours of service as was received in instruction. Service activities are coordinated by the local county extension agent. Though volunteer activities vary widely, all are educational, extension related and represent the interests of K-State Research and Extension. If you would like to learn more, visit the Master Gardener page.
Visit K-State Research and Extension's Lawn and Garden page.